Vandaag bracht men met alle eer die haar toekomt de onlangs overleden Queen Elizabeth II of England naar haar laatste rustplaats.
Hoewel je wat je achterlaat in een condoleance register misschien niet hoort te delen, wil ik dat wel. Niet dat mijn condoleances er nu zoveel toe doen, maar ik wil ze delen. Tot mijn schande blijk ik de naam met een s in plaats van een z te hebben geschreven op de website van het Engelse Koninklijk huis. In de tekst hieronder heb ik dit gecorrigeerd.
Dear Royal Family, Dear people of England and country’s over the world,
My deep condoleances for the family and close friends. You lost a mother, a grandmother, a great-grandmother, sister, aunt and much more. For the people she served, you’re dear head of the family was a beloved mother as figure of speech. But for you, she was real. You knew her better thand anyone else. The loss must be terrible and I wish you all the best. But know that she will be remembered as a great person who was more then the Queen of England. She was a stable factor in the history of the world. Perhaps you can compare here to people she perhaps respected and loved like Nelson Mandela, the Popes and Kofi Annan. A mother to the world besides of all fathers. But als I said, above all the mother of a family. And I’ll hope, when you’re permitted the time (and I really hope so), you can laugh, cry and whatever you want about her. Remember her not the way history does, but how you do.
To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, you’re noble task is finally done. The long, wobly and hopefully fine journey is over. The pledge fulfilled. And you’ve done it outstanding. Now rest in peace with you’re Philip and many family members wherever you are or go.
Tom Hamoen, the Netherlands
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